What certifications to look for when clothes shopping sustainably?

Whether you are a sustainable fashion veteran or a newbie in the green-minded sartorial sphere, ethical fashion is rich in complex terms - and certifications are the number one thing that puzzles pretty much everyone.

Sustainable clothing and ethical fashion certifications help consumers skip the entire research process by presenting them with specific points of an ethical brand’s commitment. When shopping sustainably, it’s important to know the brand in question strives to follow mindful business practices. Are they environmentally friendly? Do they stand behind workers’ rights? Are they chemical-free and socially responsive? The list goes on and on. 


So before you start adding things to your cart, pause to look for some of the most trustworthy sustainable fashion certifications below. 

Top sustainable fashion certifications to know in 2022

Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS) – GOTS is a globally recognized standard for ethical fashion brands that use organic fibers. Through on-site annual inspection, the certification verifies that certain ecological and social criteria have been met during the harvesting process of raw materials. Also, this certification ensures that the entire textile supply chain (from manufacturing to labeling) is socially and environmentally responsible. 

 Global Recycle Standard - GRS – The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) and Global Recycled Standard (GRS) show the brand’s commitment to increasing the use of recycled materials. This certification is obtained when a company’s full supply chain is traceable and verified to ensure that environmental principles, social requirements as well as chemical content, and labeling are transparent. 

EU Eco Label - The Eco Label certification ensures that sustainable fashion brands meet strict ecological criteria throughout the life-cycle of a product. From raw material extraction to production, distribution, and disposal, Eu Eco label is recognized in all EU countries as one of the top certifications of environmental excellence.

Fair Trade – The Fair Trade certification is accredited to sustainable fashion brands that go above and beyond to ensure worker rights and ethical labor, by prioritization worker safety and fair pay. This includes the well-being of farmers, workers, their families, and the local community. In other words, these certifications verify the ethical trade standards of each brand that offers opportunities to workers who want to improve their lives and plan for their future.

Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX – While OEKO-TEX issues 6 different certifications, most sustainable fashion brands opt for the Standard 100. This certification verifies that the textiles used in the production of clothing are free of toxic chemicals and dyes that pose harm to human health while also polluting the environment. 


B Corp – Instead of focusing on one element, the B Corp certification is much more holistic. It ensures that sustainable brands are meeting or exceeding their commitment to doing good across 5 categories: workers, customers, suppliers, community, and environment all while balancing purpose and profit.

In 2022, shopping sustainably is the new norm, and thanks to the many different sustainable fashion certifications, customers can now be 100% certain of a brand’s ethics and purpose. So let’s make informed decisions and support companies that perfectly align with your personal values.

Kristiine Saat